Wednesday, July 14, 2010

It Probably Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time

Maybe this was the thinking:

Miley Cyrus, popular with kids, check.

Candy, popular with kids, check.

Hannah Montana Candy, genius!

Candy should be in the shape of a guitar, why not?

Candy should be flesh colored, okay, sure. BAD, BAD, IDEA!

Alice Ziplinsky made some serious miscalculations with some of her candy lines, but nothing was this bad. I regret that she didn't make mention of this product in defense of her Little Susies.


  1. Flesh colored? LOL! No, not enticing. :)

  2. Laughed out loud reading this.

  3. You realize this is a product that little girls are supposed to put in their mouths?

  4. You need to send this to Failblog!
